Inari’s Labs Achieve ‘My Green Lab’ Certification

Our Thoughts

Our Thoughts

We have a deep commitment at Inari to food system sustainability, which in addition to prioritizing food security and improved farmer well-being puts a focus on better caring for our planet. That’s why we were thrilled to learn that lab environments at all three of our locations are now certified by My Green Lab, a globally recognized organization driving sustainable practices in scientific research. This includes My Green Lab’s first-ever certification of a greenhouse. 

To dive deeper into what this means, we sat down with Jamie Saxon, Inari’s Head of Sustainability, to discuss the certification process, our results, and the impact of this achievement. 

Q: What is the My Green Lab certification, and how are spaces assessed? 

Jamie: My Green Lab certification is considered the gold standard for sustainability in laboratory environments. It evaluates labs on key areas such as energy consumption, waste management, water usage, green chemistry, and employee engagement. Assessment levels are based on an overall score. The levels – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Green – represent increasing degrees of sustainability. 

The assessment starts with a detailed survey, where lab teams evaluate their current practices. My Green Lab then provides recommendations for improvement. Based on this feedback we put together an action plan consisting of next step items such as educational components and practice changes. Our employees were then assessed again – this second assessment is what led to our certification.  

What makes this certification powerful is that it doesn’t just focus on implementing sustainable processes – it fosters awareness and behavioral change, ensuring long-term impact. 

Q: How did Inari’s labs perform in the certification process? 

Jamie: Our team’s commitment to sustainability really shined in the results. All three of our company sites participated in 2024, and all three were certified – our West Lafayette greenhouse achieving gold, our Ghent lab earning platinum and our Cambridge lab receiving green, the highest possible level. Notably in Cambridge, 100% of survey participants responded with “Always Yes” when asked if they understand Inari’s sustainability goals and what they can do to support them. These results add to the previous certification of one of our West Lafayette labs, which earned a “Gold” level recognition in 2023.  

I want to take a moment to pause and recognize the incredible efforts of our team across the globe. Sustainability doesn’t happen in silos – it takes commitment from every individual. 

Q: What stood out to you the most from the results? 

Jamie: One of the biggest highlights is that our WL Greenhouse is the first-ever greenhouse to be certified by My Green Lab. This is a huge milestone – not just for Inari but for the entire agricultural research industry. 

Q: What is the significance of this certification? 

Jamie: Ag plays a critical role in global sustainability. After all, few industries are as inherently dependent on natural resources. And yet, lab spaces – especially greenhouses – have not historically been at the forefront of these conversations, with most sustainability initiatives in agriculture focused on in-the-field practices. To maximize positive impact, the research and development driving this industry must also be held to high environmental standards. 

By achieving this certification, Inari isn’t just ensuring that our R&D efforts operate with quality-assured sustainability processes – we’re actively creating awareness and education around why these efforts matter. Every team member in our labs is now more conscious of their energy use, material choices, and overall environmental impact. That awareness leads to better decision-making and lasting cultural change. 

Q: What does this mean for Inari’s future and its mission? 

Jamie: This achievement reinforces Inari’s ability to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business. It’s not about checking a box – it’s about driving nature-positive change at all levels.  

At Inari, we believe that innovation and sustainability go hand in hand. To ensure we help support a thriving planet, we must consider not just the impact of our products, but our operations as well.  

Working with My Green Lab to evaluate, improve and certify the sustainable practices in our labs further establishes our position as an industry leader in prioritizing nature-positive outcomes. It means we’re holding ourselves accountable, leading by example in the ag-tech space, and continuously advancing how we operate.  

This is an exciting milestone, but we’re not stopping here. The future of agriculture depends on bold action, and at Inari, we’re ready to lead the way.  


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